
First, download Anaconda

Download and install the last Anaconda distribution for Python 3.x from here, it can be installed with or without admin privilege (just remind the chosen option for later).

Command line interface

After installation, few commands must be run in the proper command line interface before being able to use the NavARP package, and this command line interface depends on the operating system.

The command line interface corresponds to the Anaconda Prompt on Windows (that can be found in the Start menu after searching Anaconda Prompt or after opening the Anaconda Navigator), and to the terminal on macOS and Linux.

Regarding macOS, it might happen that after Anaconda installation the default Python version accessible from the terminal is still the default one from macOS (so not the one related to the Anaconda distribution). To check if it is the case, type and run python --version in the terminal. If the word Anaconda is not the printed lines, then Python is not of Anaconda and the installation cannot continue. To fix it, you can change the python environment by typing conda activate. Or (at your risk!), you can try to change your .bash_profile making sure that the Anaconda directory is the first one in the line beginning with export PATH=... .

Novice user procedure

NavARP must be installed as a package using pip. To do this, run the the appropriate command-line interface and, if you have administrator privilege (depending on your Anaconda installation), run the following command to get the latest stable version:

pip install navarp

Without administrator privilege run instead:

pip install --user navarp

If you are brave enough you can also install the version still under development by using one of the two commands depending on your admin privilege:

pip install
pip install --user

After this steps NavARP should run directly by typing, in the command line interface, the following command:


Instead, for getting familiar with the libraries, launch Jupyter Notebook from the Anaconda Navigator (or in proper command line interface run the command jupyter notebook) and open some examples which you can find in the example folder:

Expert user procedure

If you are familiar with conda you can also create a dedicated environment (for example navarp-env) and install only the basic packages using the following commands:

conda create --name navarp-env numpy scipy matplotlib colorcet h5py pyqt=5 jupyter ipympl pyyaml click
conda activate navarp-env

And then you can install the last stable version with:

pip install navarp

Or the version still under development with:

pip install

For getting familiar with the libraries, launch Jupyter Notebook from the Anaconda Navigator (or in proper command line interface run the command jupyter notebook) and open some examples which you can find in the example folder: